HOW TO DO RESEARCH FOR USMLE? How to start There are 2 ways to apply for research Apply to graduate school MPH, MHA, MS, PhD, etc. there is no limit to who you can approach and ask for a research guide. All faculty and research professors on campus are potential employers and you can approach them for a Research Assistant (RA) position. I have seen people from MPH who have done research in the care unit (clinical research related to hospital infection rates, etc.) it is difficult, I know, because it involves extra time (12 years) on behalf of the applicant (time that may not already have the year of graduation, etc.) Volunteer research route: it is for those who do not want to engage in higher education for a year or two. It gets more difficult in this category because you don't have as many research opportunities. It all depends on how much footwork you do to get a job. Then there are visa restrictions on who can be employed and who can volunteer, so know your l...